Monday, October 27, 2014

Horror Movie Fueled Inspiration

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed with inspiration? Tonight, while watching some old school horror flicks trying to get in the Halloween spirit, I felt a sudden burst of hope. Hope for the future. And belief. Belief in myself. I believe that I have what it takes to become who I want to be. Isn't it funny how something as simple as a fiery Courteney Cox in Scream 2 can make you want to follow your dreams? If Gail Weathers can have enough ambition and drive to write a book, then why can't I?

These are just a few of my silly Monday night thoughts. But they don't have to be so silly. When you feel a burst of inspiration, follow it! Take action. Take advantage of every little feeling you get, because that's how dreams come true. xoxo.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Dreamers Gonna Dream

I'm what you would call a dreamer. Ever since I was little, my dreams were way bigger than me. A great deal of my life was lived in fantasy. I had all sorts of stories in my head, with characters that I would carry with me daily. I would talk to these characters, talk for them. Imagine different scenarios and help them work through them. I guess you could say they were my imaginary friends; but I would say that they were manifestations of my dream. Stories were my life. Reading them, imagining them, writing them. Early on, it was clear to me that I was a writer. Way back in my elementary school days, I was writing stories and poems. I was coming up with characters that would stick with me for years to come. Writing was my dream.

But, somewhere along the way, my dream began to fade and hide in the shadows. When telling people of my dream, I would often get the same reaction. Essentially, I was told that writing is a wonderful hobby, but not sufficient enough to make a career. This may sound reasonable to many of you, and it is. However, there was often a comment made that you need to be very talented in order to make a career out of being a writer. Hearing this over and over made me believe that I wasn't good enough and that my dream was nothing more than a fantasy. Eventually, I became scared to tell anyone what I wanted to do with my life; I no longer wanted to hear that I wasn't good enough to pursue my dream. I began racking my brain for other interests I may have. I came up with various career paths that I thought would impress people. But when it came right down to it, I was never satisfied.

In college, I struggled with choosing a major. Once again, I picked things that I thought would make other people happy. But when I got deep into the curriculum, I realized that these things would never make ME happy. Again, my brain was telling me to choose writing, but anytime I leaned in that direction, I was pulled away. Voices, both real and imaginary, were telling me that I could write on the side, but I need to have another career. So, eventually I forced myself into something that would never make me happy.

And here I am. I have a masters degree that was earned with little to no passion. Meanwhile, all the passion I DO have is bubbling up inside of me, waiting to be released. I can no longer contain it. And, frankly, I no longer want to. Who says I'm not good enough to make writing my career? Sure, it will be challenging. Yes, there is sure to be rejection and heartache. And, obviously, I will have to hold some other job while I pursue this. BUT there is no way that I will ever again let myself believe that I am not good enough. I can make a career out of passion. I CAN make my dreams come true.

I am good enough. You are good enough. We are all good enough.

So, the moral of this story?

Dreamers gonna dream; haters gonna hate.

Don't let the haters get in the way of your dreams. You are capable of whatever you set your mind to. Don't sell yourself short. You are an incredible person with the world at your feet. Don't let the voices tell you otherwise. It's time to take that leap of faith. Don't look down. Keep your head up, up, up, and you will soar to the moon. xoxo.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

5 Ways To Find Your Passion

If you’re like me, you struggle making any decision, let alone deciding what you want to do for the rest of your life. Sure, you may have a few degrees under your belt, but unless you are one of the very lucky ones, you still are unsure of what you want to be when you “grow up.” For me, this has been something that has always troubled me. You may be wondering what your passions even are. Or maybe you’ve realized your passions, but don’t know what step to take next. I have passions, sure. But how can I turn these passions into my career and my livelihood? These questions are not easy to answer, and may take years of confusion and experimentation to figure out. However, here are a few simple steps that might help hasten the process.

1.  Take a walk. For me, walking is a real pleasure. It’s a perfect time to be alone with your thoughts and sort things out. Even better: take a walk without your music. Take in the sounds around you. Let them speak to you. Don’t try to block out the world with your tunes; it’s there to guide you. Take this time to think, and as a bonus, you’re doing something good for your body, too. There’s something about a nice long walk in nature that’s kind of like setting the refresh button on my body and mind. Maybe that’s exactly what you need to start thinking clearly and to start being the YOU you want to be. 

    2. Write in your journal. Just sit down with an open notebook and free write. Try not to have anything in mind when you write. Just write and see where it takes you. I find that when I do this, I usually end up writing about my passions without even planning it. When my brain gets in these modes, it’s usually hard to stop. Ideas pop up and excitement ensues. Write down these ideas; turn them into goals.

3. Do something you love. I find that when I immerse myself in something I truly love, I lose myself in inspiration. My mind is free of my troubles and anxieties and is able to focus on things that make me happy and fulfilled. Maybe one of your passions is painting. Whip out that easel and canvas and get to work. Let your mind take you to your happy place. Pay attention to what that happy place is. Wouldn’t it be nice to build your future out of that place?

4. Read. Once you’ve figured out some of your passions, it’s helpful to learn as much as you can about it. Read whatever you can to educate yourself. Your brain craves learning; don’t deprive it. Just because you may be done with school does not mean that you are done learning.  When I’m passionate about something, I like to read as much as I can on the subject. It turns out the more I read, the more passion I feel. You can never know too much about something that takes up such a big part of your heart. Besides, your reading may lead you to more ideas on how to turn that passion into a career.

   5. Take action. Take some of the ideas that you have formed in your thinking, journaling and reading and put them down on paper. Use these ideas to create small, attainable goals. Come up with a timeline for yourself. Pretend it’s an actual assignment, and get to work. Don’t be too easy on yourself. This is your life in your hands. Take care of it. Work towards these goals and you will work towards a future filled with passion.

      So, who’s with me? It’s time to take control. No one wants to live a life void of passion. If you’re with me, and you are on a journey of finding yourself and your purpose in this world, then take these few steps and write down some goals. Let’s do this! Let’s find our happiness and live it. xoxo.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hello, my beautiful muse.

Walking along the city streets this morning, I had a vision; a dream. I dreamed that one day I would become the person I desire to be. I would talk like I wanted to talk, dress like I wanted to dress, and live the life I dreamed of. Then I thought, why someday? Why not today? My dream is that all of you become the person you want to be. I want us to listen to what inspires us, do what we love, and become who we were always meant to be. Push aside the fear; the doubts. Be you, through and through. Work hard, love, brainstorm, play, create. Today is YOUR day. Make it happen. Make your dreams come true. Get out there, go on adventures, explore the world around you. Find your beautiful muse. Find yourself. xoxo