After a long, cold, miserable winter, a dissatisfying job,
and a damaged self-image, Spring has finally sprung. And in more ways than one!
Spring often represents a new beginning, so this fresh start in my life could
not have come at a better time. I got a new job. It’s not impressive and may
not even be in my field of interest, but it’s new. And it’s exciting. And most
importantly, it makes me feel good about myself. I can feel the stress slowly
melting away, leaving space for growth. And happiness. With the negative
feelings pushed aside, there is now room for my creativity to grow rather than
being snuffed out. I feel like I am finally in a place where I can begin the
journey towards becoming the person I want to be. No excuses. It’s time to get
to work. Self-love is destination number one. Learning to love myself for
everything that I am has been a constant struggle, yet a constant desire, of
mine for my entire life. It’s time to finally make it happen, and I think I actually
have enough faith in myself now that I will get there. Maybe sooner rather than
later. What a wonderful, wonderful feeling. Expect to hear more from me. I’m
here for the long haul. :)